My Cupcake Kid

You might think that a kid with a sweet tooth is, while normal, not exactly ideal. We want our children to eat their veggies, have balanced diets, and to the extent it is possible avoid over-eating in categories that we know to be harmful to them in one way or another. Sweets are characteristically in this latter category, as they are rumored to cause hyperactive children and definitively rot teeth according to dentists and tooth-oriented businesses everywhere. So you’d be forgiven for thinking that my own little cupcake kid is for some reason a bad thing. You’d be forgiven for … Continue reading

Planning a Wedding – Things to Consider

Reading the forums recently it seems some people are planning weddings and looking for ideas. Here are some things to think about. These are not from our wedding – that was way too long ago. But from our daughter’s wedding and other recent weddings. 1. Guests The number of guests and how to accommodate them all is often an issue. What follows is a good solution. When our daughter was married they had a garden wedding. The garden did have a marquee available if it was needed, but it was a brilliantly sunny day. I’m sure a lot of prayer … Continue reading

Weddings: Putting All That Planning Into Perspective

I’m conducting an experiment. Want to be a part of it? I’m trying to figure out how important all that wedding preparation ends up being. I got the idea back when my mom moved in with us earlier this year. I had to clean out the closet in what became her room so she’d have a place to hang her clothes. I ended up finding several wedding-related items. My wedding dress was in there. I knew it was in one of the closets, but if you’d asked me which one I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. I also … Continue reading

Cupcakes Instead of Wedding Cake?

It seems as though a new trend has begun in the idea of wedding reception planning. The traditional wedding reception consists of at least a bride’s cake (usually white), a groom’s cake (typically chocolate), nuts, mints, and punch. Some weddings are much more elaborate but these are usually thought to be the necessities. However, as mentioned in a previous article, weddings are taking on a much less formal and more relaxed tone. The idea behind the wedding cake has changed. Brides are now finding it more acceptable to offer their guests cupcakes instead of cake slices. The time and effort … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: June 2- June 8

There have been a wide range of topics discussed in marriage this week. The discussions have gone from prenups to weddings to divorce to enrichment to marriage in the news. Check out below, you are sure to find something that interest you! Monday, June 2 What about Prenuptial Agreements? This article takes a look into some basic information about prenuptial agreements. It also details a little of their history. Pros of Prenuptial Agreements In this article I offer some ways that a prenuptial agreement can have a positive impact on a marriage. Concerns of Prenuptial Agreements Here I take a … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day: Six Days and Counting

Are you running out of time? There are only six days left until Valentine’s Day! Do you have it all planned? Are you ready? If time or money (or both) are tight this year, the following ideas may provide some inspiration for your Valentine’s Day celebration: Make a Gift Put together a pocketsize photo album filled with pictures of the two of you. Include photos from when you were dating, from your wedding, your first Christmas together, etc. Another idea is to start a scrapbook for your spouse. Add concert ticket stubs and other “souvenirs” from special dates along with … Continue reading